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Net app config in dll include app config

Version: 21.10.40
Date: 03 April 2016
Filesize: 1.60 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Preamble: I'm using NET 2.0; The solution posted by Yiannis Leoussis is acceptable but I had some problem with it. First, the static App Settings Section App Settings = ( App Settings Section)my Dll Config. Get Section( app Settings returns null. I had to change it to static App Setting Section = my Dll Config. App Settings; Then the return ( T) Convert. Change Type( App Settings. Settings[name]. Value, typeof( T nfi doesn't have a catch for Exceptions. So I've changed it try return ( T) Convert. Change Type( App Settings. Settings[name]. Value, typeof( T nfi catch ( Exception ex) return default( T This works very well but if you have a different dll you have to rewrite every time the code for every assembly. So, this is my version for an Class to instantiate every time you need. public class Settings private App Settings Section _app Settings; private Number Format Info _nfi; public Settings( Assembly current Assembly) Uri Builder uri = new Uri Builder(current Assembly. Code Base string config Path = Uri. Unescape Data String(uri. Path Configuration my Dll Config = Configuration Manager. Open Exe Configuration(config Path _app Settings = my Dll Config. App Settings; _nfi = new Number Format Info Number Group Separator =, Currency Decimal Separator =. ; public T Setting< T>(string name) try return ( T) Convert. Change Type app Settings. Settings[name]. Value, typeof( T _nfi catch ( Exception ex) return default( T For a config: Use it as: Settings _setting = new Settings( Assembly. Get Executing Assembly somebooleanvar = _settings. Setting( Enabled somestringlvar = _settings. Setting( Export Path someintvar = _settings. Setting( Seconds somedoublevar = _settings. Setting( Ratio.
It is fairly easy to specify configuration settings for. NET executables, by adding an app.config file to the project, that is built into a.exe.config file in the executable folder.  However, since libraries or DLLs do not run on their own, and rely on clients to execute, how does one specify different settings in different calling environments, especially if the library files are placed in a single location on the computer such as the global assembly cache? Recently this question arose so many times in the projects that I have been working on that I decided to investigate the options more closely.  I found that some subtleties of the approaches have not been explained anywhere, so decided to summarize the available options here.  There appear to be four different ways to specify library settings, each with its own benefits and failings. 1. The settings can be created in the class library by adding them to the ‘app Settings’ element of the app.config added to the library project (see figure). This is a very simple way of specifying settings, and can be accessed in the library code as shown below: The drawback of this method is that every calling assembly has to duplicate this setting in its own app.config (compiled into a.exe.config or.dll.config since that is the only place searched by the code above.  The situation becomes cumbersome when the number of settings required by the library increases. 2. The settings can be created in the class library as custom settings, by adding a settings file to the project ( and specifying the settings to be used in the Settings designer of Visual Studio (see below or by manually entering them in the custom section of app.config as shown below: Visual Studio conveniently generates a class to access the settings (see below The settings can be accessed in the.

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